Learn more about our resources and DIY options, download templates, and explore our FAQs. For questions and to start a project, email communications@law.columbia.edu or one of our teams.



Download a Template

Letterhead and Logos
• Letterhead Templates (zip)
• Logos (zip)

• Event Flyer Templates (Canva)
• Event Program Template (Canva)
• Holding Slide Templates (Canva)
• PowerPoint Template (zip)
• Poster Templates (zip)

Templates may only be used when conducting official Columbia Law business. For help using templates, email creative@law.columbia.edu.


Amplify Your News

Share News and Achievements
• Pitch a news story or video
• Share student achievements
• Share news for social media
• Share faculty achievements 
• Inform Public Affairs about press at an event

Promote Events
• Add an event to LawCal 
• Request a monitor sign: see FAQs—Events/News (below)

DIY Video/Photography/Print


• Filming From Home: Best Practices (PDF)
• Notice of Filming and Photography (PDF)
Film Crews: 
     • Contact CU Communications and Columbia Law Public Affairs if a film crew will be filming on main campus.
     • Contact Columbia Law Public Affairs if a film crew will be filming in the Law School building

• Request a photographer
• Columbia Photo Library
• Notice of Filming and Photography (PDF)
• Inquire About a Photo/Video Release Form

• Request an email header
• Columbia Print
• Business cards: Contact the Secretariat


Frequently Asked Questions

Explore more below. Do you want to initiate a project or can’t find the information you are looking for? Email communications@law.columbia.edu, and we’ll get you to the right place!

If you are a reporter on deadline or if you have queries about anything related to the media or the following information, contact publicaffairs@law.columbia.edu.

I am a member of the press. How can I find the right expert to interview for a story?
Our Media Guide to Experts is organized by subject and links to bios of faculty members.

Where can I find recent news about Columbia Law School?
Visit our news page, and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or YouTube.

Does Columbia Law School have a studio or room where I can do video or audio interviews?
Yes, the Law School has a dedicated space in Jerome L. Greene Hall that is available for podcast, live audio, or live video interviews. 

This room will not be accessible throughout the fall 2024 semester but other spaces at Columbia may be available to you. Email publicaffairs@law.columbia.edu for details and to make arrangements.

May I interview an expert in their office? What permissions do I need to take photographs or film B-roll of the Law School and/or Columbia campus?
We can help find suitable locations for interviews with our faculty. We try to accommodate filming requests from news organizations and commercial enterprises, but arrangements need to be made in advance for us to secure the necessary permits from Columbia University. 

How can I obtain photos of Columbia Law School or faculty experts we are quoting or citing in a story?
Contact publicaffairs@law.columbia.edu.

I am a faculty or staff member. Can you provide media training, help with op-eds, suggestions for promoting a project, or other guidance related to the media and best practices?
Yes, we are happy to work with faculty and staff to handle media-related questions. Contact publicaffairs@law.columbia.edu.

I am a faculty or staff member and expect to have press at my event. Is there anything I need to do?
Yes, please email publicaffairs@law.columbia.edu as soon as possible, and follow Columbia Law School and Columbia University policies for guests and members of the media on campus.

How do I list an event on the Law School website calendar?
Use this guide to submit events to LawCal.

How can I promote my event to the Law School community?
Make sure to post your event on LawCal. Once published, it will automatically be picked up for the community-wide event eblast and the lobby monitors, and it will signal other departments to pick up the event for their communications channels. If you need help or  would like us to consider additional promotion, email communications@law.columbia.edu.

How can I promote student achievements?
Please fill out and follow the instructions on this form.

How can I request a sign for the lobby monitors?
Communications automatically posts events listed on LawCal on the lobby monitors (events are typically pulled from LawCal the Tuesday of the week prior for inclusion). We occasionally make lobby monitor signs for special events and other promotional purposes. If you would like us to consider your request, email communications@law.columbia.edu at least three weeks in advance of your desired post date.

I am a faculty member. How can I promote my recent scholarship, publication, or achievement?
Faculty scholarship is published at regular intervals in the scholarship archive, the faculty scholarship digest, and on the lobby monitors. Contact publicaffairs@law.columbia.edu with questions about additional promotion (internal, external, or in the media) or to let us know of a recent achievement.

I have a great idea for a news article, student/alumni/faculty profile, podcast, video, or other story for the website. How can I share it?
We always welcome story ideas and pitches! Please email your idea to editorial@law.columbia.edu, and, if possible, provide a few details about 

  • Why the story is important to Columbia Law School
  • What audiences (alumni, students, etc.) would be most interested in the story
  • Whether the story is tied to a specific deadline, campaign, initiative, or event

Pitches are considered for stories on the website as well as on social media and other channels. If the story is time sensitive, please provide as much advance notice as possible (ideally four or more weeks).

How do you amplify news stories and videos?
Any story or video published on the website is automatically considered for placement on the homepage and news landing page. In addition, stories are typically posted on our social media channels and included in e-newsletters such as The Brief. Our partners in other offices also pick up news stories for their internal and external communications. Contact editorial@law.columbia.edu with questions.

I have an idea for a video, podcast, or other multimedia piece. How do I initiate a project?

  • To pitch or request a promotional or public-facing multimedia piece, email communications@law.columbia.edu. From there, we will help you determine the best next steps.
  • To record a course or event for posterity or for internal use, contact the AV team. 
  • For tips about appearing as a guest on or hosting a podcast, refer to our guide. To consult about a podcast of your own, please email communications@law.columbia.edu.

Can you provide writing, editing, copyediting, proofreading, or fact checking assistance?
Depending on your request, we can recommend internal or external resources to help you with your editorial needs. The Editorial Style Guide also provides writing tips and answers to frequently asked questions. Contact editorial@law.columbia.edu with any questions.  

How do I hire a photographer?
Follow the instructions on the Columbia University Photography Services page. Make sure to submit your request at least a week in advance.

I plan to have an outside film crew/videographer/photographer at an event or have hired an outside videographer/photographer for a project. Is there anything I need to do?

How do I find photos of an event?
Explore our Flickr gallery. If you cannot find what you are looking for, contact creative@law.columbia.edu.

How do I find portraits of students or faculty?
Contact creative@law.columbia.edu with a description of the photo you are seeking.

Can you share photography, video, and podcasting guidelines and best practices?
Yes. Please send your question to communications@law.columbia.edu.

How can I request a print or digital piece?
Please contact communications@law.columbia.edu with your request, and we will guide you through timing and next steps.

  • Print pieces include: brochures, specialty publications, invitations, and signage. We will coordinate printing with Print Services or outside printers.
  • Digital pieces include: Mailchimp headers, GIFs, banners, slideshows, and presentations.

How much time will it take to produce my project?
Please provide us with as much notice as possible. Standard turnaround time for design is three weeks plus 10 business days for printing, depending on the project. Viewbooks and other complex projects may take much longer. If your piece has to be mailed, allow additional time after printing. Some guidelines:

  • Minor revisions or reprinting existing projects: Allow two weeks.
  • Consultation or design reviews: Usually completed within one week. 
  • If your piece is being designed by someone in your office or someone you hire, please have them adhere to our visual style guidelines. Communications can answer related questions if needed and can review your project before completion.

How should I submit my content?

  • Email us your content in a single, spell-checked and proofread Google document. Do not format it, other than using bold or italicized text. If the text needs to be placed in a specific location in the designed piece, note that within the document.
  • Photos should be at least 300 DPI and cleared for use by the artist and subject(s). If you don’t provide images, we will select images from our resources. If custom illustration or photography is desired, please note that so you can discuss your needs with the designer.
  • Ensure content has been approved by all appropriate parties in your department before submission.
  • Try to submit a complete project. Generally, we don’t start if content is missing. If any content is still to come, note what is missing and when it will be available so we can determine whether we are able to launch the project without it. Late submissions may require adjustments in production schedules.
  • Your text will be edited for grammar and Law School style. If necessary, we will work with you to determine how best to fact-check your text.

I’d like to create a print or digital piece myself. Do you have resources I can use?
Yes. Download logos, letterhead, and templates above in our “Resources” section. Please read the Visual Style Guide for more on best practices and to ensure you are following Columbia Law branding and style.  

I need a visual identity or lockup for my department, center, or program for use on a website, print piece, or other product. Can you provide one?
Yes, please reach out to creative@law.columbia.edu with your request. In general, visual identities are designed to align with our visual style and branding guidelines (although some changes may be necessary to address technical specs). Learn more and see examples here

I need help with using the CLS logo, lockups, Canva templates, or other design tools, and/or I have questions about brand guidelines.
We’d be happy to answer your design and branding questions. Please email creative@law.columbia.edu.

How can I order business cards?
Please email the Secretariat to order business cards.

Can I work directly with a printer?
On certain projects, Communications may advise working directly with Columbia Print, which offers print, mail, graphic design, and other services. Please email communications@law.columbia.edu to discuss.

Columbia Law School is on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. For more, see our guidelines.

How do I learn about social media best practices or set up a social media account for my department or organization?
Many factors contribute to the success of a social feed. To learn about best practices and implement appropriate Columbia Law branding, please see our guidelines and contact socialmedia@law.columbia.edu.

How do I get the Law School to cover news or events on our social media channels?
If you have a report, press release, new scholarship, or other news or event you’d like us to consider for coverage on our social channels, please send an email to socialmedia@law.columbia.edu.

Can you use my photos on the Law School social media channels?
We are always looking for high-quality images of Law School life to feature on our social channels. Please send to socialmedia@law.columbia.edu and include a brief description of the photo.

For general web questions/training, updating department and faculty webpages, and Mailchimp access and training, email webadmin@law.columbia.edu.  

How can I gain access to edit the CLS website?
To receive login credentials and edit your section of the website, please submit an email that includes your name, department, and uni to webadmin@columbia.edu.

How can I receive training to edit the CLS website?
We host individual web training sessions as needed. Please send an email to webadmin@law.columbia.edu with a request. Once we receive your request, a web team member will reach out to you and schedule a training session.

Where can I learn more about editing the website?
Explore the Web Guide for information on editing content, training, new web feature requests, editing issues, analytics, and more.

I’m having an issue with the website or would like to make a request. Who can help?
Send an email to webadmin@law.columbia.edu describing the issue you are having. Once the request is received, someone will reach out to you to resolve the request.