Members of the Columbia Law School faculty are available to comment on a wide range of subjects, both on the record and for background information.

Please review our online directory below, organized by topic, to find the expert who can best address your needs. You may contact the professor directly (contact information is included with their bios on the website) or contact the Office of Public Affairs for assistance.

Please note that this list does not represent the entirety of the Columbia Law faculty. Check with us at if you need further assistance, including queries pertaining to Columbia Law School more generally.

When requesting an interview or information please include:

  • Your name and the name of your news outlet
  • A brief description of the subject to be discussed
  • The deadline
  • Your contact details
Topic Faculty

Administrative Law

Mark Barenberg, Jessica Bulman-PozenJeffrey GordonPhilip Hamburger, Kathryn Judge, Jeremy Kessler, Lev MenandThomas Merrill, Gillian Metzger*


Anu Bradford, Lina Khan*, Petros Mavroidis, Tim Wu


George Bermann, Petros Mavroidis

Banking and Financial Regulation

John Coffee Jr., Jeffrey Gordon, Kathryn Judge, Lev MenandKatharina Pistor

John Coffee Jr., Ronald Mann, Edward Morrison

Campaign Finance

Richard Briffault

Capital Punishment and Death Penalty

Jeffrey Fagan, Bernard Harcourt, James Liebman

Child Advocacy/Juvenile Justice

Jeffrey Fagan, Philip GentyJosh Gupta-Kagan

Chinese Law and Politics

Benjamin Liebman

Civil Procedure and Litigation

Alexandra Carter, John Coffee Jr., Suzanne Goldberg*, Olatunde Johnson, Colleen ShanahanSusan Sturm

Civil Rights

Amber Baylor, Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, Jeffrey Fagan, Katherine Franke, Maeve Glass, Suzanne Goldberg*, Olatunde Johnson, Elora Mukherjee, Susan Sturm, Kendall Thomas

Class Actions

John Coffee Jr.

Climate Change

Michael Burger, Michael Gerrard, Camille Pannu

Constitutional Law

Ashraf AhmedKate AndriasMark Barenberg, Philip Bobbitt, Katherine Franke, Suzanne Goldberg*, Jamal Greene*, Philip Hamburger, Madhav KhoslaGillian Metzger*, David Pozen, Thomas P. SchmidtMatthew Waxman


Zohar GoshenMichael Heller, Dorothy LundEdward Morrison, Eric Talley


Shyamkrishna BalganeshMala ChatterjeeJane Ginsburg, Philippa Loengard, Ronald Mann, Tim Wu

Corporate Law and Governance

John Coffee Jr., Merritt Fox, Jeffrey Gordon, Kathryn Judge, Dorothy LundLev Menand, Joshua Mitts, Edward Morrison, Eric Talley


Richard Briffault, John Coffee Jr., Daniel Richman, Jennifer Rodgers 

Criminal Law and Procedure

Amber BaylorJohn Coffee Jr.Jeffrey Fagan, Bernard Harcourt, James Liebman, Daniel Richman, Sarah Seo


David Pozen, Matthew Waxman

Data and the Law

Kellen Funk, Justin McCrary, Joshua Mitts, Christopher MortenEric Talley

Death Penalty and Capital Punishment

Jeffrey Fagan, Bernard Harcourt, James Liebman

Disability Law

Elizabeth Emens

Economics and Finance

Jagdish Bhagwati, John Coffee Jr., Merritt Fox, Talia GillisJeffrey Gordon, Kathryn Judge, Lev MenandJoshua Mitts, Edward Morrison, Katharina Pistor, Eric Talley

Education Policy

James Liebman

Election Law and Voting Rights

Richard Briffault, Olatunde Johnson

Employment and Labor Law

Kate AndriasMark Barenberg


Michael Burger, Michael GerrardThomas W. Merrill, David Schizer

Environmental Law

Michael Burger, Michael Gerrard, Camille Pannu

European Union

George Bermann, Anu Bradford, Petros Mavroidis, Katharina Pistor

Executive Compensation

John Coffee Jr., Jeffrey Gordon

Family Law

Katherine Franke, Philip GentyClare HuntingtonSuzanne Goldberg*, Josh Gupta-Kagan,  Carol Sanger


Thomas MerrillJessica Bulman-Pozen, Olatunde Johnson, Gillian Metzger*, David Pozen

First Amendment

Vincent Blasi, Tim Wu

Foreign Policy

Philip Bobbitt, Michael Doyle, Monica HakimiMatthew Waxman

Freedom of Information Act

Christopher MortenDavid Pozen

Freedom of Speech and The Press

Vincent Blasi, Jamal Greene*, David Pozen, Tim Wu

Gender and Sexuality

Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, Katherine Franke, Suzanne Goldberg*, Carol Sanger, Kendall Thomas

Health Law and Policy/Health Justice

Christopher Morten

Housing Olatunde Johnson

Human Rights

Sarah Cleveland, Sarah Knuckey, Colleen Shanahan


Bernard Harcourt, Elora Mukherjee


Richard Briffault, Jamal Greene*

Intellectual Property

Shyamkrishna BalganeshMala ChatterjeeJane Ginsburg, Lina Khan*, Philippa Loengard, Ronald Mann, Christopher MortenTim Wu

International Law

Sarah Cleveland, Michael Doyle, Monica HakimiSarah Knuckey, Matthew Waxman

Internet/Telecommunications Policy

Tim Wu

Israeli Law and Politics

Zohar Goshen, David Schizer

Juvenile Justice/Child Advocacy

Josh Gupta-Kagan,  Jeffrey Fagan

Labor and Employment Law

Kate AndriasMark Barenberg

Legal History

Ashraf AhmedMala ChatterjeeKellen Funk, Maeve Glass, Jeremy Kessler, Christina Duffy PonsaSarah Seo


Alexandra Carter

Mergers and Acquisitions

John Coffee Jr., Jeffrey Gordon, Dorothy LundEric Talley

National Security Law

Philip Bobbitt, Mala ChatterjeeMichael Doyle, Monica HakimiDavid Pozen, Matthew Waxman

Patents and Trademarks

Shyamkrishna BalganeshJane GinsburgChristopher Morten

Prisoners' Rights

Amber Baylor, Philip Genty

Property Shyamkrishna Balganesh, Michael HellerThomas Merrill

Race and Social Justice

Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, Jeffrey Fagan, Katherine Franke, Suzanne Goldberg*, Olatunde Johnson, Elora Mukherjee, Sarah Seo, Colleen ShanahanSusan Sturm, Kendall Thomas

Religion and the Law

Katherine Franke, Philip Hamburger

Reproductive Rights

Katherine Franke, Suzanne Goldberg*, Carol Sanger

Securities Law and Regulation

John Coffee Jr., Merritt Fox, Jeffrey Gordon, Zohar GoshenDorothy LundJoshua Mitts, Eric Talley

Sexuality and Gender

Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, Katherine Franke, Suzanne Goldberg*, Carol Sanger, Kendall Thomas

Social Media

Bernard Harcourt, Tim Wu

State and Local Government

Richard Briffault

Surveillance and Privacy

Philip Bobbitt, Bernard HarcourtChristopher MortenDavid Pozen, Matthew Waxman, Tim Wu

Tax Law and Policy

Michael LoveAlex Raskolnikov, David Schizer


Jagdish Bhagwati, Anu Bradford, Petros Mavroidis, Katharina Pistor

United Nations

Sarah Cleveland, Michael Doyle, Sarah Knuckey

War Powers

Philip Bobbitt, Matthew Waxman

White Collar Crime

John Coffee Jr., Daniel Richman

* –  Denotes faculty members who are currently serving in the Biden administration and may not be available for interviews



Public Affairs