Who Was Harlan Fiske Stone 1898?
The fourth dean of Columbia Law School and 12th chief justice of the United States is the namesake of the Law School’s prestigious Harlan Fiske Stone Moot Court Competition held every spring.

Harlan Fiske Stone 1898 epitomizes the intellectual leadership and public service ethos that are synonymous with Columbia Law School. Following a 13-year tenure as dean of the Law School, Stone served as attorney general of the United States, associate justice of the Supreme Court, and, ultimately, chief justice of the United States.
Stone’s death at age 73, on April 22, 1946, warranted five articles in the next day’s New York Times. “The Supreme Court of the United States loses an honest and an assiduous mind at a time when such minds are needed,” one article said. “The nation loses a distinguished man who has provided an example to men of his own great profession and for all time to all other men also.”
Pictured: Former Attorney General Harlan F. Stone photographed in his robes in the office of the Supreme Court of the United States today. Library of Congress.