Summer Recruiting Program

Each year law firms, corporations, and government organizations conduct 20-minute interviews for summer and full-time positions. Students indicate their interview preferences through an online bidding system, and interviews are assigned by lottery.

Pre-screened program for Summer Interview Program (SIP) employers. Students may apply (with resume and transcript) to up to six participating employers

Prior to Registering:
Please read Columbia Law School’s Employer Recruitment Policies. You will be prompted to agree to our non-discrimination policies during registration on Symplicity.  

Please note, students may not apply directly or interview with SIP/EAP employers/offices, with limited exceptions:

  1. Prior relationship (SEO, paralegal, 1L summer associate)
  2. Job Fairs (Loyola Patent Interview Program, Bay Area Diversity Job Fair, Lavender Law, etc.)
  3. Employer-sponsored fellowship/scholarship programs

Click here for detailed registration instructions.

ProgramEarly Application Period (EAP) 2024Summer Interview Program (SIP) 2024
Program Date(s)N/AJuly 24, 25, 26
Program InformationStudents may apply early to up to six firms participating in SIP.

Pre-screened interviews
Employers recruiting for Summer and Fall 2025 positions.

Lottery Program
InterviewsScheduled by EmployerHosted virtually on Flo Recruit
Priority Registration PeriodFebruary 22 - March 8February 22 - March 8
Interview Date AssignmentN/AApril 2
Student Bidding PeriodJune 11 - June 17June 24 - July 15
Preliminary Interview Schedules AvailableApplication Packets Available June 18July 19

Timing of Offers and Decisions

See full timing/offer guidelines here.

EAP Interview invitations to be extended by Monday, July 1

EAP Offer Decisions due by Friday, July 12

EAP offers must remain open for 14 days from the date of offer letter. 

EAP employers should grant an extension until August 9 if the request is received in writing from the student prior to the expiration of the offer. Note that students may only hold open up to two EAP offers.

SIP offers must remain open for 14 days from the date of offer letter. 

SIP employers should grant a reasonable extension if the request is received in writing from the student prior to the expiration of the offer.
Deposit & Schedule Fees
A full day schedule includes up to 22 interview slots

There is no fee for public sector employers and employers with fewer than 50 attorneys.
$500 fee per firm. Firms that receive fewer than 5 applicants will not be charged.

$400 non-refundable deposit

Schedule Fees: 
$800 (First schedule per location)
$600 (Each additional schedule per location)
$400 (Half day)

Job Postings for employers/office locations not participating in SIP/EAP will be shared with students as of Monday, May 13, 2024