Read about our academic procedures below.
LawNet is the name given to a set of web-based services that provide interactive access to the administrative databases of Columbia Law School. It allows Law School students to register for classes, add/drop classes, access their grades and course schedules, and change their contact information. It allows faculty members to access their class rosters and waitlists to the minute, submit grades, view the facebook directory, and more.
Registration in the Law School consists of the following: pre-registration (upperclass and LL.M. students), or assignment of classes (first-year J.D. students); accessing the class schedule through LawNet (all students); issuance of the Columbia identification card (CUID) (new students) and CUID validation for each term registered; and participation in the Change of Program (Add/Drop) period (upperclass and LL.M. students only). The Law School’s Office of Registration Services handles all aspects of course registration for Law students.
All new students are issued the Columbia ID card (CUID), are given computer accounts, and are assigned to lockers in the Law School.
1Ls and transferring 2Ls must submit no later than October 1 of the year of matriculation at Columbia Law School final, official transcripts from all undergraduate institutions at which they matriculated for a degree. In addition, transferring 2Ls must submit final, official transcripts from the university at which they completed their 1L studies, also no later than October 1. Students who fail to do so will be withdrawn from the Law School.
1Ls and transferring 2Ls must submit no later than October 1 of the year of matriculation at Columbia Law School final, official transcripts from all graduate institutions at which they matriculated for a degree. Students who fail to do so will not be permitted to register for spring classes.
Pre-registration for upperclass and LL.M. students is a process to select lectures and seminars. Registration Services runs a computerized scheduling lottery in accordance with the Faculty Resolution on the Allocation of Scarce Instructional Resources (see below), and the results are distributed before the first day of classes each term. Pre-registration for continuing students occurs in the summer for the fall term (LL.M., transfer, and visiting students also pre-register in the summer), and in November for the spring term. Detailed information is sent to students prior to the start of preregistration each term.
For upperclass and LL.M. students, the results of the course lottery, reflecting a student’s pre-registration selections, and showing both the courses received and the courses for which the student is waitlisted, can be accessed through LawNet in mid-August for fall term classes, and in December for spring term classes.
First-year J.D. students are assigned randomly to courses since the Foundation Curriculum is consistent for all students. Normally, the fall term courses are Legal Methods, Legal Practice Workshop I, Legal Research, Civil Procedure, Contracts, and Torts, and the spring term courses are Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Property, Legal Practice Workshop II, and Foundation Year Moot Court. On occasion, there may be a slight variation to the fall and spring term course assignments. In addition to being registered automatically for the courses just listed, in the spring term first-year students are required to choose one non-doctrinal course from a slate of several first-year electives. In November they participate in a lottery of first-year electives, and are required to rank their choices. A separate first-year lottery is run only for the elective courses, and students are registered for one elective course. Spring term schedules are released in December and can be accessed through LawNet. First-year students may not drop any courses, or register for additional classes in the Law School, in any other division of the University, or at other institutions.
During the official Law School Change of Program (Add/Drop) period each term, upperclass and LL.M. students may make changes to their program by adding and/or dropping most regular offerings using LawNet. They also may register for research and writing by completing the appropriate Research and Writing Registration Form. LawNet cannot be used to complete or adjust registration for research and writing credits, clinics, externships, permission courses, journals, moot courts, and courses outside the Law School.
To register for any research or writing category (Supervised Research Paper, Teaching Fellow, Service as Unpaid Faculty Assistant, Research for the LL.M. Degree, LL.M. Writing Project, LL.M. Essay, Associate Writing Credit, Research for the J.S.D. Degree, Major Writing Credit, and Minor Writing Credit), students need to complete either the J.D. or the LL.M. Research and Writing Registration Form, and submit it to Registration Services after having secured the faculty member’s signature indicating agreement to supervise the student’s work. Registration Services then will enter this information on the student’s registration record. The forms are available from the Office of Registration Services, and registrations forms page.
Students do not register through LawNet for permission courses, journals, clinics, externships, or moot court offerings. Instructors will notify Registration Services of the participants in these offerings and the student registration records will be annotated accordingly.
For information on cross-registering for a non-Law offering at Columbia University, see Registration for Non-Law Offerings, below.
To drop a course after the official Law School Change of Program period each term, see Other Registration Rules and Responsibilities, below.
The Law School has a two-phase Change of Program (Add/Drop) period. Beginning one week before the start of classes, students can use LawNet to make voluntary changes to their term schedules: register for an available class, drop a class for which they already are registered, add themselves to a waitlist, or drop from a waitlist. The second phase of the Change of Program period begins on the very first day of classes for the term, and lasts for one week. During this second phase, the mandatory waitlist process is in effect. Students on wait lists will be notified promptly of openings for which they have priority. They will be given 12 hours after notification to register for the offering or the open option will be automatically revoked and the class offered to the next student on the wait list. Notification will be by email and does not mean automatic registration in the offering. It is the student’s responsibility to check for notification and to take appropriate action to register for the class within the specified period.
Students are advised to pay careful attention to their waitlist position on LawNet. If you have been waitlisted for a class, use your waitlist position on your schedule to assess your chances of getting into a previously closed class and to plan accordingly.
To cross-register for a non-Law course at Columbia University, you must petition for it by completing a Petition Form and submitting it to Registration Services. Students must explain on the petition why the non-Law course is necessary to their legal career. Petitions to take a non-Law course for credit toward the Law degree will be approved only if the course is related to the student’s legal training. Generally, only graduate-level courses are approved for degree credit, except for language courses. Degree credit will not be awarded for conversational language courses, music performance classes, studio classes, and similar offerings. A petition is required even if you are not requesting Law credit for the course. In order for Registration Services to process the petition, all information about the course must be included (call number, course number, days/times, points, instructor).
Registration as an Auditor is not permitted for any course. Each student is responsible for any fees associated with non-Law classes.
There are limitations on the number of non-Law credits that can be applied toward the Law degree, and J.D. students are advised to read the Rules for the J.D. Degree carefully. Graduate Degree Programs students are advised to check the requirements for their degree.
Please be aware that University courses may not carry full point credit toward the Law degree. Each academic point earned for non-Law courses must represent at minimum a 50-minute classroom meeting each week throughout the term, as is similarly required of Law offerings. Such study must be evaluated by written examination or term paper, and thus credit for the Law degree (J.D., LL.M., J.S.D.) will not be awarded for some courses (e.g., conversational language courses, music performance classes, studio classes, language courses for LL.M. and J.S.D. candidates). Courses with grades lower than C will not be accepted for credit toward the Law degree, nor will they count toward term residence credit. All courses taken outside the Law School, whether for Law credit or not, must be graded on the A-B-C scale. Pass/Fail or other non-evaluative grades are not permitted. Grades earned in other divisions of the University, as part of the NYU Exchange Program, or at other schools, will not be factored into Law School honors calculations. Grades earned in other divisions of Columbia University will be reflected in LawNet and on the official Columbia University transcript, but grades earned for courses taken at any school outside Columbia will not.
There is a separate application process for Columbia Business School courses and for courses offered as part of the Columbia/NYU Law School Exchange Program. Additional instructions for completing registration for non-Law courses is provided in the pre-registration materials and at the time you are notified of the decision on your petition to cross-register. Some offerings require instructor or departmental approval.
If you decide to drop a non-Law class, you must notify Registration Services so that the course can be removed from your Law School records.
The University’s Directory of Classes is available online at
A student is permitted to register only for those courses that have been approved by Registration Services and that have been appropriately registered with the University, including courses that will not earn credit toward the Law degree.
All program changes subsequent to registration must be made through Registration Services as permitted by the degree Rules.
- Students are advised to carefully check their degree requirements and to make certain that they meet and maintain full-time residence each term.
- A student may not register for courses that conflict in any meeting time(s), even by a few minutes.
- A student may not register for a class with the same course number more than once. The system prevents students from doing so (i.e. S. Deals Workshop).
- Registration as an Auditor is not permitted for any course, either at the Law School or any other Columbia University division.
- Effective with the fall 2008 term, permission to drop a course after the close of the Law School’s official Change of Program (Add/Drop), and through October 15 in the fall term and through February 15 in the spring term does not require Rules Committee approval. However, instructor permission is required for these late withdrawals from a course, and a grade of W (indicating “withdrew”) will be entered into the student’s official transcript for such late drops. Students will not be allowed to drop a course if the drop results in a loss of term residence. See Rule 1.2.7 for additional information. Informal “dropping” of a course (e.g., failure to attend) results in a grade of F as a permanent entry on the student’s record. No course may be dropped after the last meeting of the course for the term.
- Failure to meet pre-registration and registration requirements may result in the forfeiture of status in the selection of course offerings.
- The University assesses late fees for late registration and late payments, and finance charges for delinquent payments.
The Academic Calendar includes information on the exam periods for all Columbia Law School courses. Tentative examination schedules are prepared at the beginning of each term, after the faculty has determined the nature of the exam, but schedules are subject to change.
Students are expected to appear at or turn in an examination at the stated time and place. Failure to do so will result in a grade of Failure (F). If you are unable to appear for an examination at the proper time, please contact Registration Services at 212-854-2668, or email Please be advised that no adjustment will be made for employment schedules, travel, or personal arrangements which conflict with the exam schedule. As stated in the Law School Rules, “All students should be prepared to sit for examinations at any point throughout the examination period,” so it is advisable to make your travel and personal plans to incorporate the full exam period. If you self-identify with the Office of Disability Services (ODS) and are granted special examination conditions, ODS will work directly with Registration Services to make accomodations for you.
Law School students who have an exam conflict in non-Law School courses must reschedule the non-Law School exam. Rescheduling of exams is permitted only for the following reasons:
- Two (2) Law School exams scheduled on the same day, including a proctored and an 8 or 24 hour take-home exam on the same day. One of the exams will be rescheduled to the first exam day on which the student does not have a scheduled exam and that will not create an exam conflict requiring further rescheduling.
- Three (3) or more exams on consecutive days. The third exam will be rescheduled to the earliest date that will not create an additional conflict.
- Illness on the day of the exam: Any excuse granted on grounds of illness or other physical disability is conditioned upon receiving a satisfactory medical note from the attending physician.
- Birth of a child: An exam will be rescheduled if the student is in labor or is attending the birth of their child.
- Religious Observance: An exam will be rescheduled if it conflicts with religious observance, including fasting, on the day of the exam. Exams may be rescheduled earlier in the day of the scheduled exam.
- Bereavement: An exam will be rescheduled in the event of a death or serious illness in the student’s immediate family and the student is attending the funeral or grieving.
- In other exceptional and documented circumstances. Examples include but are not limited to:
These regulations apply to all Law School exams, not only to finals in December and April/May. Students having any of the above conflicts should email Registration Services at once the exam schedule is published, and no later than the published deadline in advance of the exam date, in order to adjust their exam schedule. Registration Services will determine which exam will be rescheduled and will notify you of the date and location of your rescheduled exam shortly before the start of the exam period.
Examinations will only be rescheduled AFTER the originally scheduled date, never before. It is important to note that only rescheduling arrangements made officially through Registration Services will be honored.
Students may not take a second examination in a course for which they have already earned a passing grade.
The Law School offers students the option of taking in-class proctored exams (essay-type only) on their own laptop computer through the use of exam software that is provided free of charge to all. As an alternative, students may choose to handwrite their exams.
Law School examinations are administered and graded using an anonymous grading system (i.e., the faculty does not know the identity of the examinee whose paper she or he is grading). Your answers are identified only by a randomly assigned exam number. Your identity is revealed to your instructor only after she or he has assigned your exam grade. The instructor then can make adjustments for class participation or other criteria before finalizing and releasing your grade for the course in LawNet.
With a resolution passed in December 1994, the Faculty of Law established the grading system of A, B (both with plus and minus designations), C, F. In May 2008 the Faculty of Law passed a resolution adding the grade of W, to be recorded on the official transcript when students withdraw from a course after the close of the Law School’s official Change of Program period and through October 15 in the fall term and February 15 in the spring term. Some courses and clinics offer a grade of CR (credit) as an option, while other courses, and some research and writing categories, are graded as Credit/Fail. There are very few Credit/Fail courses at the Law School, and courses with this grading system will so indicate in their online descriptions.
Work in Columbia University schools other than Law will be graded on the A-B-C-F scale. A minimum grade of C is required to earn credit in such offerings. For work undertaken while visiting at other Law Schools, both in the United States and abroad, a minimum grade of C is required to earn Law credit.
Grades for fall term courses are due by the Friday before the first day of the spring term. For spring term courses, grades are due by June 1 for continuing students, and by the week before Commencement for May degree candidates. Instructors who have 150 or more exams to grade are given a week or so extra to submit all their grades. For detailed information, refer to the May 2012 Faculty Resolution on Grade Submission Dates.
In the spring term, instructors are asked to submit grades for graduating students early so that Registration Services can complete graduation clearance prior to Commencement. To allow sufficient time for instructors to grade written work for graduating students, their deadline for submission of papers is the last day of classes for the term.
Law grades are posted on LawNet for student viewing once instructors notify Registration Services that grades are final. On a regular basis, Registration Services transmits grades electronically to the University’s Student Information System. Grades appear on a student’s official University transcript once this grade transmission has been completed.
Only grades for Columbia Law School and Columbia University courses are reflected in LawNet. Grades earned for courses taken at other schools (e.g., other law schools while a visiting student, study abroad programs, joint degree programs, NYU Law School as part of the CLS-NYU Exchange program) will not be reflected on the Columbia University transcript. Grades earned in courses taken outside Columbia Law School will not be factored into honors calculations. Students must be in residence at the Law School for the entire academic year in order to be eligible for honors and must be Columbia Law School J.D. or LL.M. degree candidates.
Unless the instructor assigns an earlier due date for written work, the submission deadline normally is the last day of the final exam period each term (see exceptions below). If you request and are granted an extension of time to complete your written work, please pay careful attention to the deadlines for submitting such work. Extensions for incomplete work cannot exceed the stated limits, which require us to record a grade of Failure if work is submitted after the specified deadlines. See Rules for the J.D. Degree article 3.3, Satisfactory Progress, for more information.
May degree candidates: April 1 is the deadline to submit outstanding written work from the prior fall term if the instructor granted you an extension. For spring term written work, the deadline is the last day of spring term classes, unless the instructor specifies an earlier due date.
Continuing students: October 15 is the absolute deadline for continuing students to submit outstanding written work from the prior academic year, provided the instructor approved an extension. In the case of outstanding work for which an extension has not been approved, a grade of F will be applied in late July. Keep in mind that students cannot carry more than one incomplete grade into the following academic year. Thus, students who have more than one outstanding grade by late July will not be permitted to register for the fall term and a hold will be placed on their registration unless the instructor confirms that the written work was completed and the grade will be forthcoming.
Students must be in full-time residence at the Law School for the entire academic year in order to be eligible for academic honors. Students participating in approved study abroad programs remain in full-time residence at the Law School and can be considered for honors if all other criteria for honors are met. Grades earned in courses taken outside Columbia Law School (e.g., other divisions of the University, NYU Law School as part of the CLS-NYU Exchange Program, other law schools while a visiting student, study abroad programs) will not be factored into honors GPA calculations. Students participating in joint degree programs can only be considered for honors during the academic years in which they are resident in the Law School for both the fall and spring semesters.
For students graduating in May, academic year honors determinations are made a week or two after Commencement. For continuing students, honors calculations are made on a weekly basis during June and late July, once all grades have been submitted. To capture late grade submissions, a final honors calculation for the academic year just ended is made during the last week in July. Students cannot receive academic honors for a year that includes a grade of incomplete. Therefore, students who wish to be considered for honors are advised to consult with the relevant instructor about a submission date for work that will allow enough time to determine and record the outstanding grade by not later than the last week of July.
Honors notations appear on students' unofficial LawNet transcript when bestowed and on the official transcript no later than August.
To access your grades through LawNet, go to You will need a user ID and a password, which will be given to you during the computer training sessions sponsored by the Law School’s Department of Information Technology (IT) during orientation or early in the term. These sessions can also be completed online. For assistance with LawNet, contact the Information Technology helpdesk at
To obtain access to the University’s many student services, including the grades on your official University transcript, you must set up your University network account by visiting the Columbia University Information Technology (CUIT) website at For new students, additional information is provided during the mandatory IT computer training sessions.
Students who are entitled to accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) register with Columbia University's Disability Services in order to receive confirmation of the accommodations that will be provided by Columbia Law School.
Currently enrolled students and former students with access to Student Services Online (SSOL) may order a transcript through SSOL. If you do not have access to SSOL, please submit a written request to the address below. Indicate your full name, your date of birth, the number of transcripts requested, the full mailing addresses of the intended recipients, the school or schools you attended at Columbia, the dates of attendance, and the degrees conferred. You may also visit the locations listed below in person to request a transcript.
Student Service Center
205 Kent Hall
Columbia University
1140 Amsterdam Avenue, Mail Code 9292
New York, NY 10027
Phone: 212-854-4400
Office Hours (Monday–Friday): 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
The University reserves the right to withhold the privilege of registration or any other University privilege from any person, and does so predominantly for the following reasons: an unpaid debt to the University (e.g., tuition, fees, housing), an academic issue, or a lack of immunization compliance with Health Services. In such cases, a hold is placed on a student’s registration, transcript, records, and diploma.
Students on hold will not be able to pre-register, cannot receive a registration schedule, cannot be included in the class lottery, cannot participate in the Change of Program period and thus may lose their place on the waitlist for classes (for late holds—classes will be released to other students on the waitlist), will not have access to financial aid funds, may lose the ability to defer repayment of student loans, and cannot have the Columbia ID card validated (which may prevent access to University buildings). Since registration for a subsequent term will not be permitted for students on hold, you may lose all rights and privileges as a Columbia University student.
Only the office that applies the hold may remove it. You may check your hold status online at Contact the holding office to remove or dispute the hold, or to address any error you believe may have occurred. Once you have cleared a hold, it is important that you make sure the hold has been removed from your University records.
Students may petition the Rules Committee for exceptions to the rules governing a particular degree program, and for other reasons as specified in the Academic Rules. The Rules Committee consists of four, full-time faculty members and three student members who are selected to serve for the given academic year, together with the Dean of Students and the Dean of Registration Services. Petitions should be in writing and should be submitted to the Dean of Registration Services along with any supporting materials.
- Many petitions dealing with routine matters can be decided on quickly, without formal committee deliberation. These include requests for permission to:
- cross-register for a non-Law course/seminar (make sure to read the rules regarding cross-registration)
- exceed the 15-point Law School maximum per semester (note that 16 points is the absolute semester maximum by ABA rules)
- take 11 points for one semester in the second or third year (12 is the minimum number of points for J.D. residence; only one 11-point semester may be allowed)
- pursue an approved joint degree program
- take a leave of absence of up to four (4) terms
- convert ALL Law School grades to CR/F (J.D. students only)
Petitions relating to more significant matters will be referred to the Rules Committee for a final decision and students may choose to submit such petitions directly to the Chair of the Rules Committee. These include requests to:
- withdraw from a course after the expiration of the Law School’s official Change of Program period without the entering of a W grade on their official transcript. See Rule
- withdraw from a course after October 15 in the fall semester and February 15 in the spring semester, but before the last day of classes in the semester and have the withdrawal recorded on the official transcript as a W. See Rule
- add a course after the expiration of the Law School’s official Change of Program period. Such a petition will be considered only in exceptional circumstances if the student can demonstrate compliance with ABA attendance rules and has secured the permission of the instructor to be added to the course. See Rule
- pursue an ad hoc joint-degree program (minimum Columbia Law School residence required: 5 full-time terms and 73 Law points at Columbia Law School). Ad hoc joint-degree programs may need to be referred to the faculty for approval.
- take a reduced-load program because of special needs (e.g., disabilities, parental responsibilities—refer to Law School Rule 1.2.4).
- spend a term or year of study at another ABA-approved law school. The student must explain the personal and compelling reasons requiring him/her to be in another city. Such requests are granted only in extraordinary circumstances.
- obtain any other exception to the rules governing a degree program, aside from those listed above.
Some petitions can be decided on within two to seven business days; others may require a meeting of the Rules Committee or the faculty and will take longer. It is advisable to make your petition as early as possible and not to assume the results of a petition.
In May 1991, the Faculty adopted the following procedures for a computerized scheduling system to provide students with a fair opportunity to register for Law courses and seminars. In May 2007, the Faculty approved a modification to the Change of Program (Add/Drop) period that resulted in a 12-hour waitlist notification period (see Item 8, below).
- The General Plan: All students are first assigned a random position within their category (LL.M., 3L, 2L). Based on the position in their group, student selections are considered in the following order:
- Each LL.M. student obtains two choices (limited only by the competition of other LL.M. students and by a percentage limit, described below).
- Each 3L student obtains two choices (limited only by the competition of other 3L students and the preceding LL.M. preference).
- Each 2L student obtains one choice (in competition with other 2L students).
- Each LL.M. obtains a third choice.
- Each 3L obtains a third choice.
- Each LL.M. obtains a fourth choice.
- Each 3L obtains a fourth choice.
- Each 2L obtains second, third, and fourth choices.
- Each LL.M. student obtains two choices (limited only by the competition of other LL.M. students and by a percentage limit, described below).
- The Lottery: Within any category, competitive positions will be determined by the computer randomization (separate groups will be formed for LL.M., 3L and 2L students). The lottery positions are reversed on succeeding rounds, so that students who are picked early for first offerings will be picked late for second offerings with further reversals in succeeding rounds.
- The LL.M.s: LL.M.s get first priority, subject to a single limitation: No more than 33 percent of the openings in a class can be filled by LL.M.s during the early rounds of the lottery. If the instructor wishes to allow a larger percentage of LL.M.s in a particular offering, she or he may do so by notifying the Office of Registration Services.
- Upperclass J.D.s: Next preference goes to 3Ls. For the most part, 2L selections are subordinated to LL.M. and 3L selections. The exception is that 2Ls receive a single selection in the third pass.
- Alternatives: For each selection, students may offer an alternative to be used if the first choice is unavailable. If the first choice cannot be scheduled, the student will be put on the waitlist for it and scheduled into the alternate, if possible.
- Conflicts: The computer will not schedule a student into two classes that meet at the same time. Students will be put into the first class that the computer schedules.
- Scope: The allocation procedure will apply to all courses and seminars except: (a) clinical seminars (which are subject to allocation by clinicians); (b) other seminars to which admission is allocated by instructors (subject to prior faculty approval); (c) Foundation courses offered in the second year.
- Waitlist: Students on waitlists will be promptly notified of openings for which they have priority. They will be given 12 hours after notification to register for the offering or the option will be automatically revoked and the class offered to the next student on the waitlist. Notification will be by email.
In October 2003, the Faculty adopted the following principles of academic honesty by which students are expected to abide. These principles are the cornerstone of educational integrity at the School of Law. They also reflect the legal profession’s special obligations of self-regulation. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with these principles during initial orientation and before taking an examination or submitting any work for credit toward a degree. Academic dishonesty—attempted or actual—will not be tolerated.
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:
- Plagiarism: Failure to cite or otherwise acknowledge in any paper, exercise, or project submitted for credit ideas or phrases gained from another source such as published text, another person’s work, or materials on the internet unless the source is obvious from the context given.
- Self-Plagiarism: The submission of one piece of work in more than one offering or in any two exercises for credit without the explicit permission of the instructors involved.
- Preparation by another: The submission of work as one’s own that has been prepared by or purchased from another.
- Cheating: To give, receive, take assistance, or make unauthorized use of information from written material, another person, his or her paper, or from any other source (except as explicitly allowed by the instructor) before or during an examination or other written exercise.
- Violation of instructions: Failure to abide by the explicit directions or instructions of an instructor with regard to a performance for credit.
- Falsification of work product: Falsification or misrepresentation of data, evidence, or other reportable observations in any course or other exercise for credit.
- Impermissible collaboration: The violation of the rules on acceptable collaboration on projects, papers, exercises, or examinations set by a faculty member or Law School committee.
- Tampering with materials: Removing, hiding, or altering library materials or stealing another person’s materials.
- Facilitation of academic dishonesty: Facilitating academic dishonesty by enabling another to engage in such behavior.
- In further clarification and recognition of the standards of academic conduct to be met, students sign the following language of certification, Student Certification of Examination Performance, when submitting any exam, and Student Certification of Written Work when submitting work for credit.
I certify that (a) I have not received any information (other than that provided by the instructor or the Law School generally) regarding the content of this examination; (b) since receiving the examination, I have not discussed it (verbally, electronically, or in writing) with any other student taking the examination; (c) I have not and will not share or communicate, directly or indirectly, any information relating to the nature or content of, or answers to, this examination to any student who has not yet taken this examination; (d) I have complied fully with all instructions given by the instructor relating to this examination, including any restrictions on access to materials or sources of information.
I understand that the relative autonomy of the legal profession carries with it special obligations of self-regulation as outlined in the Columbia Law School Bulletin/Handbook, and that any violation of this certification will subject me to discipline, including possible suspension or expulsion by the Law School, declination to certify for admission to the bar, and sharing of information about discipline with bar admissions committees. I further understand that the Law School is required to notify bar admissions committees if a student has been the subject of disciplinary proceedings, regardless of the outcome of those proceedings.
I certify that the attached written or electronically transmitted material is my own work. I further certify that (a) I have formally cited or otherwise fully acknowledged the quotations, ideas, and wording used here from other sources, whether published or unpublished, in written or electronic form, (b) I have engaged in no falsification or misrepresentation of data or experience in this submission, (c) I have disclosed any collaboration not specifically authorized by the instructor. I understand that the relative autonomy of the legal profession carries with it special obligations of self regulation as outlined in the Columbia Law School Bulletin/Handbook and that any violation of this certification will subject me to discipline, including possible suspension or expulsion by the Law School, declination to certify for admission to the bar, and sharing of information about discipline with bar admissions committees. I further understand that the Law School is required to notify bar admissions committees if a student has been the subject of disciplinary proceedings, regardless of the outcome of those proceedings.
In 2012, the Faculty adopted the following resolution for the submissions of grades, effective with start of the 2012–2013 academic year.
- For fall semester courses:
- All grades shall be due on the Friday before the start of the spring semester, except that
- For any faculty member required to grade 150 examinations or more from all courses he or she has taught in the aggregate that semester
- the grades for one course, if it has fewer than 150 examinations, shall be due on the Friday before the start of the spring semester;
- the grades for all remaining courses, or for any course which by itself has 150 or more examinations, shall be due by the first Monday of the spring semester.
- For spring semester courses:
- For graduating students, all grades shall be due not later than the Friday before Commencement or such later time as the Dean of Registration Services determines is consistent with enabling May degree candidates to graduate.
- In 2017, the Faculty changed the date of grade submission for all other students to not later than June 1 (or if a weekend day, the Monday thereafter) except that
- for any faculty member required to grade 150 examinations or more from all courses he or she has taught in the aggregate that semester
- the grades for one course, if it has fewer than 150 examinations, shall be due by June 1 (or if a weekend day, the Monday thereafter);
- the grades for all remaining courses, or for any course which by itself has 150 or more examinations, shall be due by June 11 (or if a weekend day, the Monday thereafter).